In one second, everything changed for two men in Tampa’s popular SoHo district. A man lost his life and another now faces serious criminal charges. What happened, and what consequences await the man charged with DUI manslaughter?
A Deadly Accident in SoHo
Tampa’s SoHo district, named for the street South Howard, is a popular nightlight area with a strip of bars and restaurants. It’s not uncommon for the street to be busy late at night when the bars close, as was the case in the early hours of October 22, 2024.
At around 2:45 a.m., a 35-year-old man was standing near the edge of the street. Another man, 27-year-old Pjeter Nesti Paci was pulling his Chevrolet pickup out of a plaza located at the 400 block of South Howard Avenue. Paci failed to come to a complete stop prior to entering the roadway, and he hit the man standing near the street, per reporting by the Tampa Bay Times.
Paci stopped his vehicle and stayed on the scene. The injured man was taken to the hospital where he later died from his injuries.
Now, Paci is facing serious charges for the accident. On November 1, 2024, Paci was arrested and charged with DUI manslaughter.
Related: Stopped and Arrested for a DUI in Florida? Here’s What to Do Next
Facing DUI Charges
Paci is facing DUI charges. In Florida, a first-time DUI is typically classified as a misdemeanor and does not include minimum jail time. Most first-time DUI offenders will lose their driver’s license for 180 days to one year.
First-time DUI charges are escalated if:
- The driver had a very high BAC
- There was a passenger under 18
- Property was damaged during the incident
- Someone was injured or killed during the incident
Under Florida Statutes 316.193, a DUI resulting in death is a second-degree felony that comes with a mandatory prison sentence of four years. The maximum sentence is 15 years in prison and a $10,000 fine.
Because a man died during Paci’s DUI incident, he faces more serious charges.
Related: What to Expect From a First Offense DUI
Facing DUI Manslaughter Charges
Paci’s charges were escalated to a DUI manslaughter charge.
In Florida, manslaughter is defined by Florida Statute 782.07 as “the killing of a human being by the act, procurement, or culpable negligence.” In a murder charge, one person intends to harm or kill another. In a manslaughter charge, there is no premeditation to harm or kill another. In manslaughter cases, the defendant has done one or more of the following:
- Intentionally completed an act that led to the death of another person.
- Persuaded or encouraged another person to complete an act that led to that person’s death.
- Was culpably negligent which led to the death of another person.
Driving under the influence and harming another meets the criteria for intentional killing of another person. Manslaughter by culpable negligence is a second-degree felony that can result in 15 years in prison, 15 years of probation, and up to a $10,000 fine.
While a person can be charged with DUI or manslaughter as separate crimes, they become one charge when the crimes occur at the same time. Paci’s crimes were combined into one charge, DUI manslaughter.
Related: How Likely Is Jail Time for First DUI in Florida?
Facing a Wrongful Death Lawsuit?
In addition to facing serious criminal charges, Paci could face additional legal action in civil court.
The family of the man who was killed could seek to sue for wrongful death. Wrongful death lawsuits are filed in cases where the negligence of a person or company led to the death of an individual. Families of the deceased can seek financial damages from the negligent party to cover:
- Pre-death medical bills
- Cost of funeral and burial
- Loss of consortium or companionship
- Emotional distress of surviving family
- Loss of financial contribution
At this time, it does not seem that the family of the deceased has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Paci. In Florida, the statute of limitations for wrongful death is two years from the date of death, so the family has time to determine if they will move forward with a civil case.
In the meantime, Paci will face serious criminal charges in court in Hillsborough County, Florida.
Related: What’s the Difference Between a Civil and Criminal Case?
Talk to a DUI Criminal Defense Attorney
A DUI is a serious crime that can come with serious consequences. If you have been charged with DUI, do not take the situation lightly. Talk to an experienced DUI attorney right away. Make a plan for your case by talking to attorney TJ Grimaldi. Request your free consultation or call 813-226-1023 today to take the first step to protecting your rights and freedom.